This index is incomplete, since not all older articles are indexed yet. But it is a good place to start if you are looking for something in particular.
- Abandoned
- Abdell Street
- abolitionism
- Abstract Expressionism
- Academy Avenue
- Ackley & Bradley
- Acorn Hill
- Acrisure Stadium
- Acropolis (Pittsburgh)
- Adams Street
- Advertisements
- Aesculus × carnea
- African-American history
- Agfa Isolette
- Ailanthus altissima
- Aircraft
- Airports
- Alden & Harlow
- Alden & Harlow
- Alden (Frank E.)
- Alden Harlow & Jones
- Alexander (John White)
- Allegheny (Catholic Diocese of)
- Allegheny (Diocese of)
- Allegheny Arsenal
- Allegheny Cemetery
- Allegheny Center
- Allegheny Commons
- Allegheny County Courthouse
- Allegheny General Hospital
- Allegheny River
- Alleys
- Allison & Allison
- Allium siculum
- Allium sp.
- Allium sphaerocephalon
- Aluminum
- Aluminum Awnings
- Amateis (Edmond)
- Amberson Avenue
- American Fascist
- Ammon (Robert M.)
- Amusement Parks
- Andy Warhol Bridge
- Angels
- Antebellum Remains
- Apartment Buildings
- Apple Blossoms
- Arbuckle (John)
- archaeology
- Architects’ Drawings
- Architecture
- Arch Street
- Aretz (Frank)
- Arlin (Harold W.)
- Arlington Avenue
- Armories
- Arrott Building
- Arrows
- Art Deco
- Art Nouveau
- Arts and Crafts Style
- Asbestos Siding
- Assumption (Church of the)
- Aster cordifolius
- Astorino (Lou)
- Atlantes
- Atterbury (Grosvenor)
- Automobile Dealers
- Autumn Leaves
- Avery Street
- Awnings
- Bailey Avenue
- Bair (Harry S.)
- Bakeries
- Balcom (H. G.)
- Baltimore-Style Rowhouses
- bandstand
- Bandstands
- Banks
- Baptisteries
- Barges
- Bark
- Baroque Architecture
- Barr & Moser
- Barry (Stephen)
- Bars
- Bartberger & East
- Bartberger (Charles F.)
- Bartberger (Charles M.)
- Basilicas
- Bastille Day
- Bathrooms
- Baum Boulevard
- Bausman Street
- Bayard Street
- Beatty (J. L.)
- Beaux-Arts Architecture
- Beech Avenue
- Beechview Avenue
- Beehives
- Bees
- Beezer Brothers
- Begonia masoniana
- Belfries
- Belgian Block
- Bellefield Bridge
- Bells
- Beltzhoover Avenue
- Beth David
- Bethel Park
- Beverly Heights
- Beverly Road
- Bickel & Brennan
- Bickel (Charles)
- Bier (Charles W.)
- Bigelow Boulevard
- Billquist & Lee
- Billquist (Thorsten E.)
- Billy Buck Hill
- Bird Park
- birds
- Birmingham Bridge
- Blackberries
- Black Diamond Steel Works
- Black History
- Black Stones
- Blimps
- Blizzards
- Blue Hour
- Blue Line
- Blythe (David Gilmour)
- Boats
- Books
- Bootlegging
- Born (John E.)
- Boston Ivy
- Boulevard of the Allies
- Boundaries (Neighborhood)
- Bowling Alleys
- Boyd (Thomas W.) & Co.
- Boyd (William)
- Brackenridge (Hugh Henry)
- Bracket Fungi
- Brackets
- Braddock Avenue
- Brady (William Y.)
- Branta canadensis
- Breezeways
- Breweries
- Bricks
- Brick Streets
- Brickwork
- Brighton Road
- Broadway
- Broadway Avenue (West Park)
- Bronze
- Brookline Boulevard
- Brownstone
- Brownsville Road
- Brunot (Felix)
- Brunot Island
- Brutalism
- Buddleja davidii
- Buena Vista Street
- Bungalows
- Burke Building
- Burnham (Daniel)
- Burns (Robert)
- Burt Hill Kosar Rittelman Associates
- Buses
- Buses Coming Toward You
- Bus Stations
- Busways
- Butler Street
- Butterflies
- Butterfly Bush
- Button (Lamont)
- Butz (E. M.)
- Byers-Lyons House
- Byzantine Architecture
- Cable Cars
- Cables
- Cabooses
- California Avenue
- Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church
- Cameras
- Campbell (James N.)
- Campbell’s Soup
- Car Barns
- Car Dealers
- Caricatures
- Carlisle (Edward J.)
- Carnegie (Andrew)
- Carnegie Institute
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Carnegie Museum
- Carnegie Science Center
- Carnegie Steel Company
- Carnegie Tech
- Carpenter & Crocker
- Carriage Houses
- Carroll H. Pratt
- Carson Street
- Cartoons
- Cast-Iron Fronts
- Castle Shannon
- Caterpillars
- Cathedral of Learning
- Cathedrals
- Cedar Avenue
- Cedar Boulevard
- Cedarhurst Manor
- Celli-Flynn and Associates
- Central Square
- Centre Avenue
- Cerastium tomentosum
- Chandler (Theophilus P. Jr.)
- Charette Way
- Chartiers Avenue (McKees Rocks)
- Chateau Style
- Chatham University
- Chauliognathus pensylvanicus
- Chevrolet Dealers
- Chimeras
- Chimney Pots
- Chimneys
- Chinatown
- Chinese Architecture
- Chinese History
- Chislett (John)
- Christmas
- Chrysanthemums
- Churches
- City-County Building (ornamental bronze in)
- Cityscapes
- Civil War
- Civil War Era
- Classical Architecture
- Clavan (Irwin)
- Clematis terniflora
- Clepper (H. C.)
- Climax Street
- Clocks
- Clouds
- Clubs
- Cochran Place
- Coffee
- Coffey Way
- Coffin Makers
- Cohen (Walter S.)
- Cola Street
- Cole (J. E.)
- Coleus
- Coleus scutellarioides
- Colonial Era
- Colonial Place
- Colonial Revival
- Columbus Avenue
- Columns
- Comès (John T.)
- Comfort Stations
- Company Stores
- Concerts
- Concrete Construction
- Condemned
- Conestoga Building
- Connick (Charles Z.)
- Conservatories
- Construction
- Convents
- Coolidge (Calvin)
- Cordova Road
- Corinthian
- Corinthian Order
- Corliss Street Tunnel
- Cornelius (T. E.)
- Corner Towers
- Cornfields
- Cosmos sulphureus
- Craig Street
- Cram (Ralph Adams)
- Cram (Ralph Adams)
- Cranes
- Crax globulosa
- Crescent Drive
- Croatian Americans
- Crocuses
- Crosby (Harold E.)
- Crosby Avenue
- Crossandra infundibuliformis
- Crosses
- Crowen (Samuel N.)
- Cruciform Buildings
- Crump (Edward Jr.)
- Cultural District
- Culture
- Cuneiform
- Cupolas
- Curtis and Davis
- Cycads
- Daffodils
- Dahlias
- Daily News (McKeesport)
- Davis Avenue
- Daylilies
- DeBlois (Natalie)
- de Bobula (Titus)
- Deer
- Deeter & Ritchey
- Demolished
- Demolition
- Denick (E. V.)
- Dennick (E. V.)
- Denniston Street
- Department Stores
- Destroyed
- Development (Sustainable)
- Diagrid Construction
- Diamond
- Dianthus barbatus
- Dickens (Charles)
- Dickson (R. Garey)
- Diescher (Caroline Endres)
- Dimling’s Candy
- Directories
- Dithridge Street
- Domes
- Domestic Architecture
- Donn (John M.)
- Doorbells
- Doors
- Doric
- Doric Order
- Dormers (Richardsonian)
- Dormitories
- Dormont Model of Sustainable Development
- Dormont Park Plan
- Double Houses
- Doughboys
- Dowler (Press C.)
- Dowler and Dowler
- Downey (Chris)
- Dragonflies
- Druiding (Adolphus)
- Duels
- Duplexes
- Duquesne Brewery
- Duquesne Club
- Duquesne Incline
- Duquesne Light Company
- Duquesne University
- Dutch Colonial Architecture
- Dwight Avenue
- Eagles
- East Busway
- Easter
- Easter Eggs
- East Liberty Presbyterian Church
- Echinacea purpurea
- Eckles (William G.)
- Eclecticism
- Editors
- Egan and Prindeville
- Egg and Dart
- Eggers & Higgins
- Egyptian Revival
- Eichholz (Theodore)
- Eidlitz (Leopold)
- Eighteenth Century
- Elevators
- Ellsworth Avenue
- Emilia
- Encephalartos ferox
- Enclaves
- Endangered
- Endres (John)
- Engineering
- Equestrian Statues
- erra Cotta
- Espy Avenue
- Etchings
- Evans (T. D.)
- Exchange Way
- Expressways
- Factories
- Fairy-Tale Style
- Faith Healers
- Falcons
- Falco peregrinus
- Fall
- Fall Colors
- Fall Flower Show
- Fallowfield Station
- Fallowfield Viaduct
- Farmhouses
- Farms
- Fawcett Church
- Fawns
- Federal Street
- Fences
- Ferns
- Ferris (George Washington Gale)
- Festivals
- Fiddleheads
- Fifth Avenue
- Fifth Avenue Place
- Film Photography
- Firecracker Flower
- Firehouses
- First Avenue
- Firstside
- Firwood Drive
- Flags
- Flemish Architecture
- Flemish Renaissance Architecture
- Florida Avenue (Mount Lebanon)
- Flowers
- Foliage
- Folk Art
- Food
- Forbes Avenue
- Forest
- Forests
- Forsythia
- Fort Duquesne Boulevard
- Fort Duquesne Bridge
- Fort Pitt
- Fort Pitt Blockhouse
- Fort Pitt Boulevard
- Fort Pitt Brewing Company
- Fort Pitt Bridge
- Fountains
- Foursquare Houses
- Fourth Avenue
- Frame Churches
- Frank and Seder
- Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper
- French Flag
- Frick Park
- Front Doors
- Fuchs (Emil)
- Fulton Building
- Fungi
- Furniture Stores
- Galleria
- Galveston Avenue
- Garages
- Gardening
- Gardens
- Garfield (Abram)
- Gargoyles
- Gatehouses
- Gateway
- Gateway Center
- Gateway Clippers
- Gatweway Center
- Geese
- Geisler (Charles R.)
- Gensler
- Georgian Architecture
- German
- German Victorian
- Ghost Signs
- Giammartini (Achille)
- Giesy (J. H.)
- Gilchrist (Henry)
- Gimbels
- Ginkgo biloba
- Ginther (William P.)
- Glenmore Avenue
- Goldbach (Edward)
- Golden Shrimp Plant
- Goodhue (Bertram)
- Gothic Architecture
- Gould (Walter H.)
- Gourds
- Graham Anderson Probst & White
- Grandview Avenue
- Granite
- Grant Street
- Grape Hyacinths
- Gravediggers
- Great Fire
- Greek Key
- Greek Revival Architecture
- Greenhouses
- Greenlee (Gus)
- Greenstone United Methodist Church
- Greentree Road
- Grotesque
- Groundhogs
- Gulf Tower
- Habenaria medusa
- Hall (S. A.)
- Hamamelis vernalis
- Hamerschlag (Arthur)
- Hamilton (P. W.)
- Hampshire
- Hannah & Sterling
- Hannah (Thomas)
- Harrison & Abramovitz
- Hebrew Institute
- Hebrew Language
- Heckert (Sidney F.)
- Heckert (Sydney F.)
- Heinz (Howard)
- Heinz Chapel
- Heinz Field
- Hellmuth Obata + Kassbaum
- Hemerocallis
- Hergenroeder (Edward J.)
- Hering (Henry)
- Hibbard (Frederick)
- Hibiscus syriacus
- Highland Avenue
- Highland Building
- High Schools
- Hill District
- Hills
- Hinckley (Thomas Roy)
- Hitler (Adolf)
- Hobart Street
- Hodgdon (Chancey W.)
- Hodgdon (Chauncey W.)
- Hodgkins (H. G.)
- Hoffstot Building
- Holidays
- Homewood Avenue
- Homewood Cemetery
- Honeysuckle
- Hoodridge Drive
- Hoover (Joseph)
- Hornbostel (Henry)
- Horne’s
- Horse-Chestnut
- Hospitals
- Hotel Henry
- Hotels
- Hot Metal Bridge
- Houses
- Howe Street
- Hungerford (Cy)
- Hunting & Davis Co.
- Hunting Davis & Dunnells
- Hunt Studio
- Hutchins (William P.)
- Kamin (Herman)
- Kane Woods
- Katselas (Tasso)
- Kauffman (William)
- Kaufman (William)
- Kaufmann & Baer
- Kaufmann (Edgar)
- Kaufmann’s
- Kauzor Brothers
- Keck (Charles)
- Keenan Building
- Kelly Street
- Kenmont Avenue
- Kennywood
- Kentucky Avenue
- Kerr (Joseph)
- Kiehnel & Elliott
- Kiehnel and Elliott
- King (George W.)
- King (William Henry Jr.)
- Kittanning Brick
- Klauder (Charles Z.)
- Knoxville Land Improvement Company
- Kool Vent
- Koppers Building
- Kountz (W. J.)
- Kropf & Dickson
- Kropff (Henry M.)
- Kuhn Newcomer & Valentour
- Kuntz (Joseph F.)
- Labor History
- Laelia
- Lake Elizabeth
- Lakes
- Landscapes
- Lang (Edward B.)
- Lang (Herman)
- Larkins Way
- Latrobe (Benjamin Henry)
- Laughner (W. E.)
- Laundries
- Lebanon Hills
- Ledge House
- Lee (Edward B.)
- Lenten Roses
- Lescaze (William)
- Liberty Avenue
- Liberty Bridge
- Liberty Center
- Liberty Theater
- Libraries
- Library Hall
- Lichens
- Liesch (Pierre A.)
- Light-Up Night
- Lighting
- Lights
- Light Wells
- Lilies
- Lincoln (Abraham)
- Lincoln Avenue
- Lincoln Avenue (Allegheny West)
- Lindenthal (Gustav)
- Link (A. F.)
- Link (Theodore C.)
- Link Weber & Bowers
- Lions
- Liquidambar styraciflua
- Litchfield Towers
- Lithuanian
- Liverpool Street
- Lloyd (Gordon W.)
- Lloyd (Thomas)
- Lockhouses
- Lodges
- Log Cabins
- Long (John A.)
- Longfellow Alden and Harlow
- Lonicera periclymenum
- Lord & Burnham
- Lowries Run
- Lycorma delicatula
- Lyon & Taylor
- M. J. Monahan (Towboat)
- MacClure & Spahr
- MacClure & Spahr
- MacClure and Spahr
- Machinery
- Mackey Mitchell Architects
- Macomb and Dull
- Magnolias
- Main Street
- Main Street (Carnegie)
- Main Street (Sharpsburg)
- Main Street (West End)
- Malus domestica
- Mansions
- Maple Leaves
- Marches
- Marigolds
- Marinas
- Market Houses
- Market Square
- Market Street
- Markham Drive
- Marlier & Johnstone
- Marlier (Raymond)
- Marquees
- Marshall-Shadeland
- Master of the Jumbled Bricks
- Mattern Avenue
- Mausoleum
- Mausoleum-on-a-Stick
- Maya Architecture
- McClaren (Samuel T.)
- McCollum & Dowler
- MCF Architecture
- McKean Street
- McKee (Thomas Cox)
- McMullen (Leo)
- McSorley (John)
- Meadowcroft Avenue
- Mediterranean Architecture
- Mellon (Andrew W.)
- Mellon (Edward)
- Mellon Institute
- Mellon Park
- Mellon Square
- Mellon Street
- Mercantile Library
- Mercur (Elise)
- Mercy Hospital
- Michael Graves
- Middle Street
- Mies van der Rohe (Ludwig)
- Milestones
- Mining Villages
- Mission Hills
- Mission Street
- Mission Style
- Modern Architecture
- Moderne Architecture
- Modernism
- Modernist Architecture
- Modernist Gothic
- Moeser & Bippus
- Mollenauer
- Monasteries
- Monkeys
- Monochrome
- Monongahela House
- Monongahela Incline
- Monongahela River
- Monterey Street
- Montour Run
- Montour Trail
- Montour Way
- Mon Wharf
- Moon
- Moorish Architecture
- Moretti (Giuseppe)
- Morewood Avenue
- Morning Glories
- Mosaics
- Moss
- Mount Lebanon Historic District
- Movies
- Movie Theaters
- Mowbray & Uffinger
- Murals
- Murdoch Farms
- Murdoch Road
- Murray (Philip)
- Murray Avenue
- Muscari latifolium
- Muscari neglectum
- Museums
- Mushrooms
- Music
- Musicians
- Narcissus
- Nasturtiums
- National Aviary
- National Casket Company
- National Pike
- Nativity Scenes
- Navahoe Drive
- Negley Avenue
- Neon
- Neoneoclassical Architecture
- Neville Street
- Nevin (Ethelbert)
- New Classical Architecture
- Newman (Allen George)
- Newspapers
- New Urbanism
- Nicolson Pavement
- Night
- Ninth Street
- Ninth Street Bridge
- Nirdlinger (Maximilian)
- Normandies
- North Avenue
- North Charles Street
- North Hills Estates
- North Lincoln Avenue (Allegheny West)
- Norwood
- Oaks
- Obelisks
- Octagons
- Odd Fellows Hall
- Ohio Connecting Railroad Bridge
- Ohio River
- Ohio River Boulevard
- Oil Industry
- Oliver Avenue
- Oliver Building
- One Oxford Centre
- Onion Domes
- Opus Dei
- Orchards
- Orchids
- Organs
- Oriels
- Ornaments
- Orphanages
- Orth (George S.)
- Osage Road
- Osterling (Frederick)
- O’Neill (Daniel)
- Pachystachys lutea
- Painter-Dunn Company
- Paintings
- Palo Alto Street
- Panhandle Bridge
- Panoramas
- Pansies
- Parades
- Park Brothers (Steel)
- Parker (James)
- Parking Chairs
- Parkman Avenue
- Parks
- Parsonages
- Parthenocissus quinquefolia
- Pausch (Edward Ludwig Albert)
- Pavement
- PCC Cars
- Peabody & Stearns
- Peebles (Andrew)
- Pei (I. M.)
- Pelicans
- Pembroke Place
- Penn Avenue
- Penn Main
- Penn Station
- Penn Station (Subway)
- Peonies
- Peregrine Falcons
- Performance Art
- Perpendicular Gothic
- Perry & Thomas
- Perrysville Avenue
- Pfaffman (Robert)
- Phillips (John H.)
- Phipps (Henry)
- Phycioides tharos
- Pickels (Master William)
- Pierce-Arrow Automobiles
- Pigeons
- Pitas
- Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad
- Pittsburgh Architectural Club
- Pittsburgh Gage & Supply Co.
- Pius Street
- Plaques
- PNC Park
- Pock (Joseph)
- Point State Park
- Police Court
- Polish
- Polish History
- Ponds
- Pope (John Russell)
- Pope (John Russell)
- Porches
- Post (George B.)
- Postcard Colors
- Postcards
- Postmodern Architecture
- Post Offices
- Potomac (Red Line Station)
- Potomac Avenue
- Power Stations
- PPG Place
- Prairie Style
- Pre-Raphaelite Architecture
- Preservation
- Pressley Street
- Pringle (Thomas)
- Prisons
- Proctor (William Ross)
- Pumpkins
- Pussy Willows
- Pyramids
- Rabbits
- Rachel Carson Bridge
- Radio
- Railroads
- Railroad Stations
- Railroad Strikes
- Rain
- Rainbows
- Raintree Architecture
- Rays
- Rectories
- Red Admiral
- Redbuds
- Red Line
- Reflections
- Relief
- Renaissance Architecture
- Renderings
- Renovations
- Reservoirs
- Restoration
- Rest Rooms
- Resurrection Parish (Brookline)
- Revolutionary War Veterans
- Reynolds Street
- Rhind (John Massey)
- Rhus typhina
- Richardson (Henry Hobson)
- Ridge Avenue
- Rieger (C. J.)
- Rigaumont (Victor A.)
- Rigdon (Elmer)
- Ritchey (Dahlen)
- Rivers
- Riverview Avenue
- Riverview Park
- Roberto Clemente Bridge
- Robin Hill Park
- Robins
- Rocklynn Place
- Rocks
- Rodef Shalom
- roller coasters
- Romanesque
- Romanesque Architecture
- Roofs
- Rooftops
- Roosters
- Roots
- Rosary March
- Ross Street
- Roth (Emery)
- Rothschild Doyno Collaborative
- Round Buildings
- Roush (Stanley L.)
- Rousseau (Arsene)
- Rowhouses
- Rowland (George M.)
- Rudbeckia hirta
- Ruins
- Rundbogenstil
- Russell (Charles Taze)
- Russian Architecture
- Rutan & Coolidge
- Rutan & Russell
- Ruthenian History
- Ruud
- Safety Islands
- Saint Paul Cathedral
- Salix discolor
- Sanctuary Upstairs
- Santa
- Sarah Street
- Sauer (Frederick)
- Sauer (Frederick)
- Sauer Buildings
- Saw Mill Run
- Scaife (Richard Mellon)
- Scallions
- Scheibler (Frederick)
- Schenley Farms Terrace
- Schenley Hotel
- Schenley Park
- Scheuneman (Paul)
- Schoeneman (Vincent J.)
- Schools
- Schrader (August)
- Schulte (Edward J.)
- Schwab (Charles M.)
- Schwan (George H.)
- Scilla siberica
- Scott (Thomas)
- Sculpture
- Second Empire Architecture
- Seeds
- Seldom Seen
- Seminole Hills
- Service Stations
- Seventh Avenue
- Seventh Street Bridge
- Shaaray Tefillah
- Shady Avenue
- Sharove & Friedman
- Sharove (Alexander)
- Shaw (William J.)
- Sheffield Street
- Shelf Fungi
- Shepley
- Shepley Rutan & Coolidge
- Shiloh Street
- Shingles
- Shingle Style
- Shiras
- Shopping Malls
- Shrady (Frederick Charles)
- Shrimp Plant (Golden)
- Shutters
- Siberian Squill
- Sidewalks
- Siding
- Siding (Asbestos Cement)
- Sidney Street
- Siemens SD-400
- Siescher (Samuel)
- Signs
- Silhouettes
- Silver Line
- Simon (Louis A.)
- Simpson (D.) & Co.
- Singers
- Singing Societies
- Sixteenth Street Bridge
- Sixth Avenue
- Sixth Street
- Sixth Street Bridge
- Skidmore Owings & Merrill
- Skinny Building
- Sky
- Skylines
- Skyscrapers
- Slime Molds
- Slogans
- Smallman Street
- Smart & Scheuneman
- Smith (Brandon)
- Smithfield Street
- Smithfield Street Bridge
- Smithmeyer & Pelz
- snakes
- Snaman (William)
- Snow
- Snyder (A. B.)
- Soldiers and Sailors Hall
- Soup Cans
- South 18th Street
- South Side Presbyterian Church
- SouthSide Works
- Spahr (Albert)
- Spanish Mission Architecture
- Spanish Mission Style
- Spear and Company
- Spiders
- Spires
- Spotted Lanternfly
- Spring
- Spring Flowers
- Spring Flowers
- Squill
- Squonk
- St. Clair Terrace
- St. James Place
- St. James Street
- St. James Terrace
- St. Josaphat Church
- Stables
- Stadiums
- Staghorn Sumac
- Stags
- Stained Glass
- Stainless Steel
- Stairways
- Stairwells
- Stanhopea
- Stanton Avenue
- Stanwix Street
- Starrett and van Vleck
- State Avenue (Coraopolis)
- Stations
- Station Square
- Statues
- Steamboats
- Steel Mills
- Steen (James T.)
- Steen (Marion M.)
- Steeples
- Stein (Gertrude)
- Sterling (P. Howard)
- Steuben Street
- Stevens (H. L.) Company
- Stevens (Louis)
- Stevenson (Red Line Stop)
- Stewart (J. Jr.)
- Stibiel (Fr. John)
- Stick Style
- Stillburg (Joseph)
- Storch (Albert C.)
- Storefronts
- Storms
- Storybook Style
- Stotz (Charles)
- Stotz (Edward)
- Strawberry Way
- Strayhorn (Billy)
- Streams
- Streetcar Loops
- Streetcars
- Streetscapes
- Street Signs
- Strikes
- Stroefronts
- Strong (Carlton)
- Subway
- Sunrises
- Sunset
- Sunset Hills
- Sunsets
- Suspension Bridges
- Sustainable Development
- Swedish
- Sweetgum
- Symphyotrichum cordifolium
- Synagogues
- Tabler (William)
- Tasselflowers
- Taylor (Sam)
- Telamones
- Telephone Exchanges
- Tenements
- Tennyson & Van Wart
- Tennyson (Arthur)
- Tennyson Avenue
- Tenth Street Bridge
- Terraces
- Terra Cotta
- Tesla (Nikola)
- Thain (J. A.)
- Theater District
- Theaters
- Third Avenue
- Three Rivers Arts Festival
- Three Sisters
- Tiffany (Louis Comfort)
- Tito (Joe)
- Tito-Mecca-Zizza House
- Toads
- Tomatillos
- Tomatoes
- Topp (O. M.)
- Torenia fournieri
- Towboats
- Tower at PNC Plaza
- Towers
- Tower Two-Sixty
- Townhouses
- Trails
- Train Stations
- Trautwein & Howard
- Trees
- Triangles
- Tricolor
- Trillium Trail
- Trimble (R. Maurice)
- Trinity Cathedral
- Trolley
- Trolleys
- Trowbridge & Livingston
- Trucks
- Trusswork
- Tudor
- Tudor Architecture
- Tulips
- Tunnels
- Turkeys
- Turrets
- Twentieth Century Club
- Twilight
- Wabash Railroad
- Wabash Street
- Walker and Weeks
- Wall (William C.)
- Walnut Street
- Walnut Street (McKeesport)
- Warehouses
- Warhol (Andy)
- War Memorials
- War of 1812
- Warren (Charles Bradley)
- Warren and Wetmore
- Warrington Avenue
- Washburn (W. S.)
- Washing Machines
- Washington (George)
- Washington Crossing
- Washington Crossing Bridge
- Washington Park
- Washington Road
- Wassum (John Stewart)
- Waterfalls
- Waugh (Sidney)
- Weary & Kramer
- Weather
- Weber (Edward J.)
- Welton Becket and Associates
- West End Bridge
- West End Overlook
- West End Park
- Western Avenue
- Western Theological Seminary
- Westfield Stop
- Westinghouse (George)
- Westinghouse Memorial
- West Liberty Avenue
- West Park
- Whiskey Rebellion
- Wightman Street
- Wildlife
- Wilkins (William G.) Company
- Wilkins Avenue
- Willet
- William Penn Place
- William Perry
- Williams (Allison Grace)
- Windrim (James T.)
- Winter
- Witch Hazel
- Wolfe (T. B.)
- Wolfe (T. B. and Lawrence)
- Wood (Eric Fisher)
- Wood (William Halsey)
- Woods
- Wood Street
- Woodwork
- Wylie Avenue