Lobby of One PPG Place
Vertical Lines
A slice of the skyline, featuring (left to right) the U. S. Steel Tower, One Mellon Center, the Allegheny County Courthouse, and the City-County Building.
A Corner of Gateway Center
One corner of Three Gateway Center, half sun and half shadow.
Daylily Stamens
Victorian Reflections on Carson Street, South Side
The tops of Victorian commercial buildings reflected in a 1920s building across the street.
Outline of the Trimont
The Trimont apartments on Mount Washington, outlined against winter clouds.
Wood Street Building (300 Sixth Avenue Building)
A Daniel Burnham design built for the McCreery & Company department store, this building opened in 1904. It originally had a classical base with a pair of arched entrances on Wood Street, but beginning in 1939 it had various alterations, so that nothing remains of the original Burnham design below the fourth floor. This was one of Burnham’s more minimalistic designs; in it we see how thin the wall can be between classicism and modernism.
Below, an abstract composition with elements of this building reflected in Two PNC Plaza across the street.
Reflected in the glass of Tower Two-Sixty.
U. S. Steel Tower
Fifth Avenue Place Reflected in PPG Place