Along the Tom the Tinker Trail in the Kane Woods Nature Area.
Woodland Stream
A Walk in the Kane Woods
An early-fall walk in the Kane Woods Nature Area in Scott Township. Above, the Tom the Tinker Trail.
Blue Wood Aster (Symphyotrichum cordifolium).
A moss-covered log.
The Liberty Trail.
Mushrooms on a Log
Beside the Tom the Tinker Trail in the Kane Woods Nature Area, Scott Township.
Sensitive Fern (Onoclea sensibilis)
Growing in the Kane Woods Nature Area, Scott Township.
Mushrooms on a Log
Mushrooms growing on a decaying log in the Kane Woods Nature Area, Scott Township.
Along the Tom the Tinker Trail
The Tom the Tinker Trail runs beside a gurgling stream through a narrow valley in the Kane Woods Nature Area. The trail is named for a fictional character in the Whiskey Rebellion: farmers who paid the whiskey tax would receive threatening notes signed “Tom the Tinker.”
Yes, there is a manhole cover in the middle of this idyllic scene. A sewer line runs down the hill through the stream valley.
All through the woods we can see evidence that there was once a little community tucked into this narrow valley. Above, a ruined foundation clings to the side of the gorge.
Waterfalls in the Autumn Woods
Along the Tom the Tinker Trail in the Kane Woods Nature Area.
Bracket Fungus
Bracket fungus growing by the Whiskey Boys Trail in the Kane Woods Nature Area, Scott Township.
Abandoned Homesite in the Woods
A long-abandoned homesite in the Kane Woods Nature Area in Scott Township. You can recognize it by the ornamental plantings now run wild—or, if not, the crumbling steps are a dead giveaway.
April Showers
Gentle showers in a woodland stream; then a thunderstorm in the city; and finally the waterfalls and bird calls of a perfect early-spring day after the rain.