Tag: Kane Woods

  • Woodland Stream

    Stream in the Kane Woods

    Along the Tom the Tinker Trail in the Kane Woods Nature Area.

  • A Walk in the Kane Woods

    An early-fall walk in the Kane Woods Nature Area in Scott Township. Above, the Tom the Tinker Trail.

    Blue Wood Aster (Symphyotrichum cordifolium).

    A moss-covered log.

    The Liberty Trail.

  • Mushrooms on a Log

    Mushrooms from the top

    Beside the Tom the Tinker Trail in the Kane Woods Nature Area, Scott Township.

    Mushrooms on a log
    Mushrooms with a leaf
  • Sensitive Fern (Onoclea sensibilis)

    Growing in the Kane Woods Nature Area, Scott Township.

  • Mushrooms on a Log

    Mushrooms growing on a decaying log in the Kane Woods Nature Area, Scott Township.

  • Along the Tom the Tinker Trail

    The Tom the Tinker Trail runs beside a gurgling stream through a narrow valley in the Kane Woods Nature Area. The trail is named for a fictional character in the Whiskey Rebellion: farmers who paid the whiskey tax would receive threatening notes signed “Tom the Tinker.”

    Yes, there is a manhole cover in the middle of this idyllic scene. A sewer line runs down the hill through the stream valley.

    All through the woods we can see evidence that there was once a little community tucked into this narrow valley. Above, a ruined foundation clings to the side of the gorge.

  • Waterfalls in the Autumn Woods

    Along the Tom the Tinker Trail in the Kane Woods Nature Area.

  • Bracket Fungus

    Bracket fungus growing by the Whiskey Boys Trail in the Kane Woods Nature Area, Scott Township.

  • Abandoned Homesite in the Woods

    A long-abandoned homesite in the Kane Woods Nature Area in Scott Township. You can recognize it by the ornamental plantings now run wild—or, if not, the crumbling steps are a dead giveaway.

  • April Showers

    Gentle showers in a woodland stream; then a thunderstorm in the city; and finally the waterfalls and bird calls of a perfect early-spring day after the rain.