Tag: Domestic Architecture

  • Some Queen Anne Houses in Highland Park

    5655 Stanton Avenue

    The Highland Park Residential Historic District, which is coextensive with the neighborhood as defined by the city, preserves more good examples of Queen Anne houses than perhaps any other neighborhood, although Shadyside would come in a close second. Here is an especially splendid Queen Anne mansion on Stanton Avenue. (Addendum: This was the home of architect William Smith Fraser, which he designed and built for himself in 1891.1)

    Perspective view
    Through the trees
    From across the street
    807 Mellon Street

    This house gives us two common Queen Anne elements that were missing from the mansion above: a turret and curved surfaces in the gable.

    Perspective view
    Front of the house in sun
    831–841 North St. Clair Street

    Here is a whole row of Queen Anne houses bulging with stubby turrets. They lean toward the Rundbogenstil end of the spectrum, which Father Pitt mentions because he misses no chance to say the word “Rundbogenstil.”

    833 North St. Clair Street
    5657 Stanton Avenue

    This mansion on Stanton Avenue has been converted to apartments, but its basic outlines remain.

    Front elevation
    5811 Stanton Avenue

    This last one might be better classified as “Stick style,” a closely related style that preceded but overlapped the Queen Anne style. Stick-style houses have more of an emphasis on woodwork, especially boards overlaid on the siding for contrasting trim, as we see here, and less of an emphasis on curves and complexities of form.

    Front elevation
    Kodak EasyShare Z1285; Fujifilm FinePix HS10; Canon PowerShot SX150 IS.
    1. Franklin Toker, Pittsburgh: A New Portrait, p. 235. ↩︎
  • A Rainy Evening in Murdoch Farms, Squirrel Hill

    1311 Bennington Avenue
    Architect: Lamont Button.

    It was rainy and dim, so don’t expect too much of these pictures. But old Pa Pitt happened to be in Squirrel Hill just before dark with half an hour to waste, so he took a walk in the rain in Murdoch Farms, one of the richest parts of Squirrel Hill, and did what he could with the camera.

    5458 Fair Oaks Street
    5462 Fair Oaks Street
    Architect: Edward Crump.
    1200 Bennington Avenue
    1320 Bennington Avenue
    5450 Fair Oaks Street
    5357 Fair Oaks Street
    5357 Fair Oaks Street
    1331 Bennington Avenue
    1310 Bennington Avenue
    5367 Fair Oaks Street
    Fujifilm FinePix HS10.
  • Bayard Street, Shadyside, in November Sun

    4709 Bayard Street

    The Shadyside half of Bayard Street is lined with fine houses in a variety of styles. We ambled down one block on a sunny November day, taking pictures of the patterns of light and shadow on the sunny side of the street.

    Stone ornament
  • Rowhouses on Pierce Street, Shadyside

    Pierce Street

    A reader named Tom Slack writes to ask about Pierce Street. “There is a street in Shadyside I’ve always been fascinated with—the block of row houses on Pierce Street—I wondered if you knew anything about the history.”

    Old Pa Pitt is always happy to hear from readers, and he was ready to send this one to his article about Pierce Street, with apologies for not knowing any more than is in the article. But he could not find his article on Pierce Street. He distinctly remembered having been to Pierce Street just to photograph those houses, and the pictures turned up when he searched the vast Father Pitt archive. But here it is more than two years after those pictures were taken, and still no article!

    Well, we can take care of that right now. Father Pitt regrets to say that he does not know much about these houses, but here is what he does know.

    Pierce Street—formerly Parker Street—is a tiny street, two blocks long, that branches off the end of College Street. The rowhouses in the 5800 block are on listed by the Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation as a historic landmark, and the PHLF tells us that they were built in 1891–1892. Old maps tell us they were owned by A. W. Mellon. This teaches us the valuable lesson that every little investment helps if you want to become the richest family in the world.

    From the Philadelphia Real Estate Record and Builders’ Guide, March 18, 1891: “At Baum Grove, near Roup station, Allegheny Co, about fifty dwellings will be erected by A. W. Mellon, of Pittsburg.” Roup Station was just at the west end of Parker Street. A few of the houses on the southeast side of the street have disappeared, replaced by a parking lot. But the block-long row on the northwest side is still intact.

    One of the houses

    The houses look tiny from the front, and by any standard they are small houses. Like many of these Pittsburgh terraces, though, they are deeper than you might think. Moreover, they make clever use of the space they do have, as we see in this view of the alley behind one of the rows, where projecting oriels add a few more square feet to the upper floors while still leaving room for rear exits and trash cans.

    Rear alley

    There is a little mystery about the street name. The street was called Parker Street before the houses were built, and after as well, until the great street-name rationalization after Pittsburgh absorbed the city of Allegheny, when duplicate street names were eliminated. (Renamed streets were usually given a name that began with the same letter, as happened here.) But when the houses were built, a street sign was built into the corner house identifying the street as “College Place.” Father Pitt does not know whether the street was ever renamed, or whether Mr. Mellon expected to be able to wangle a renaming for his new little development and was disappointed. The commercial building at the corner of Ellsworth Avenue and College Street was built at the same time, also on A. W. Mellon property, and it bears an identical stone block identifying College Street as “College Ave.”

    College Place street sign
    Kodak EasyShare Z981.
  • Three Queen Anne Houses on Mellon Street, Highland Park

    Turret of 813 Mellon Street

    Three identical houses with all the signature quirks of the Queen Anne style: turrets, odd angles, curved surfaces, oriels, shingles, and every other effect that can be applied to a city house to make it more picturesque.

    813–817 Mellon Street
    817 Mellon Street
    813–817 Mellon Street
    Canon PowerShot SX150 IS; Kodak EasyShare Z1285.
  • Shingly Victorian in Coraopolis

    941 2nd Avenue, front elevation

    This frame house across from the train station is a feast of Victorian woodwork, lovingly picked out in a tasteful polychrome paint scheme.

    Porch woodwork
    Perspective view
    From down the street
    Fujifilm FinePix HS10.
  • Ordale Boulevard in Seminole Hills, Mount Lebanon

    215 Ordale Boulevard

    Once again old Pa Pitt turned himself loose with a camera in Seminole Hills—this time mostly in the older and more expensive end. The variety of styles makes the neighborhood a constant delight. For this session, let’s visit Ordale Boulevard.

    This is a collection specifically for those readers who like scrolling through house designs of the 1920s and 1930s. The rest can just whiz right past the “more” link and go on to something else.

  • Meado’cots, Homewood


    Designed by our remarkable early modernist Frederick Scheibler, “Meado’cots” is an unusual set of terrace houses built in 1914—another Scheibler answer to the question of how to make cheap rows of houses architecturally attractive. It sat abandoned and boarded up for quite a while, but now it is inhabited and stable. The metal roofs on the central section and the cheap standard doors are not to old Pa Pitt’s taste, but they were within the budget of the new owner, and they keep the buildings standing and in good shape, with the potential for restoration with original materials later.

    Composite of the central section

    This composite of the central section from above parked-car level is made possible by a kind neighbor from across the street. He saw us struggling to hold the camera up at arm’s length and called down from a third-floor window to offer the use of his stairs for a better angle. Thank you, Homewood neighbor, for confirming Father Pitt’s impression that Homewood is a place where the neighborly virtues are strong.

    Meado’cots, end house
    Corner window

    Note the corner windows. They would become a badge of modernism in the 1940s, but here they are in 1912!

  • Abandoned House in Homewood

    7809 Susquehanna Street

    Homewood is prospering now more than it has done in decades, but there are still many forgotten corners. This house, in the part of Homewood traditionally called Brushton, has been abandoned and forgotten for a very long time, though the other houses on the street are inhabited and well kept. Because it has been left alone for decades, it preserves details of crumbling shingle and woodwork that have been replaced on all its neighbors. It appears to have been built in the 1890s for J. M. Gruber, and it is a good example of how the Queen Anne style filtered down to the middle classes.

    Gable with shingles
    Gable and oriel
  • Pair of Victorian Houses in Lawrenceville

    Kodak EasyShare Z1285.

    A pair of stylish Victorian houses opposite Arsenal Park on 40th Street. The one on the right is in the high Queen Anne style, with a turret and odd-shaped windows and a wraparound porch. The one on the left is smaller and more restrained, but only relatively.

    These two houses have both had quite a bit of work put into them in the past few years. A quarter-century ago, before Lawrenceville began to be a trendy neighborhood, Father Pitt captured these same two houses with a plastic box camera.

    263 and 265 40th Street in 1999
    Photographed in 1999 with an Imperial 620 camera.

    Several things have changed, especially in the house on the left. The porch has been removed; it looks as though it was a later addition, and the removal may have restored the house to something more like its original appearance. The sawed-off Gothic peak on the third floor has been restored. The glass blocks by the front door are still there, but perhaps that is how we know this is a Pittsburgh house and not one in Baltimore or Boston. As for the house on the right, it has been cleaned and restored to picture-perfect condition.