Father Pitt

Why should the beautiful die?

Acheson House, Shadyside

Acheson House

An elegant Tudor or Jacobean mansion designed by MacClure & Spahr and built in 1903, as the dormer tells us. This Post-Gazette story (reprinted in a Greenville, North Carolina, paper that does not keep it behind a paywall) tells us that a 1925 addition was designed by Benno Janssen, who had worked in the MacClure & Spahr office and may have had some responsibility for the original design. The article also tells us how vandals masquerading as interior designers rampaged through the house and painted all the interior woodwork white or pale grey to “banish dark wood,” but at least the exterior is in good shape.

Dormer with the date 1903
Perspective view of the house
Side of the house

Cameras: Nikon COOLPIX P100; Kodak EasyShare Z1285.

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