Father Pitt

Why should the beautiful die?

Saint George Ukrainian Catholic Church, Brighton Heights

St. George Ukrainian Catholic Church

This is one of Father Pitt’s favorite modernist churches in the city. It seems like an effortless blending of architectural modernism with the ancient idioms of Eastern Christian tradition, but of course things in art that seem effortless always take a great deal of effort. If modernism in church design always came out looking like this, old Pa Pitt would have adopted it enthusiastically.


One response to “Saint George Ukrainian Catholic Church, Brighton Heights”

  1. St. Raphael’s in Morningside is also a stunning, relatively modern church. The exterior could be divisive, but the interior is stunning.

    Of course, this is St. Raphael’s campus of St. Jude parish, not St. Raphael’s parish, to the west of town.

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