A snowy scene on a back street of Beechview. The hill in the distance is Brookline.
A picture taken back in February, but held in reserve (or forgotten about) till now: looking west on Fifth Avenue in the Oakland monument district. On this side is the Fifth Avenue bus lane, soon to be integrated into the new Oakland BRT line; across the street is a corner of the Masonic Temple (now Alumni Hall) and the Pittsburgh Athletic Association under renovation.
Pittsburgh’s Chinatown was tiny but packed. Much of it was destroyed in the building of the Boulevard of the Allies after the First World War, but it remained a Chinese enclave for another decade or so, and Chinese businesses rebuilt along the stump of Second Avenue beside the Boulevard ramp.
The Chinatown Inn is the only business remaining from the old days of Chinatown. Another Chinese restaurant is a modern addition. The rest of the two blocks remaining in Chinatown is mostly given over to lawyers’ offices.
Addendum: The Chinatown Inn occupies the On Leong & Merchants Association building, designed by architect Sidney F. Heckert.