Father Pitt

Why should the beautiful die?

A Late Holiday Feature: Negley-Gwinner-Harter House, Shadyside

Negley-Gwinner-Harter House

Old Pa Pitt had meant to publish these pictures a little before Christmas, but he lost track of them. And since he doesn’t want to wait till next year, here they are now. This is the Negley-Gwinner-Harter House in Shadyside, with a crew installing its Christmas ribbon. This was the house that sat derelict for years after a disastrous fire, so it is always a cheerful sight when Father Pitt walks past and sees it in fine shape like this. But it is even more cheerful all tied up in a Christmas bow.

Negley-Gwinner-Harter House
Negley-Gwinner-Harter House
Kodak EasyShare Z981.

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