Father Pitt

Why should the beautiful die?

All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Brighton Heights

All Saints’ Episcopal Church

Disclosure: old Pa Pitt took some utility cables out of some of these pictures. Fans of Pittsburgh utility cables will have to look elsewhere today.

A beautiful Gothic church from the 1930s. It is typical of Episcopal churches in Pittsburgh: small but rich, Gothic in style, with a steeply pitched roof that makes up more than half the height of the building. Father Pitt does not know who the architect was.

Front entrance

The wooden wheelchair ramp is not the most elegant solution to the problem of access, but it does its job without permanent damage to the building.

Loaves and fishes

Loaves and fishes.


The pelican, a symbol of Christ. In medieval zoology, the pelican was known for feeding her young with her own blood. Modern zoology disputes the data, but as symbolism the legend is irresistible.


Vine and pilaster capitals at the main entrance.

Oblique view

According to the church site, the neatly kept lawn was once the site of a parsonage.

Side of the building

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