Father Pitt

Why should the beautiful die?

Granite Building

A very-wide-angle view of the Granite Building, designed by the prolific and versatile Charles Bickel for a German bank. He has made use of every texture and shape of which granite is capable, and the result is a particularly lively, if perhaps a bit jumbled, rendering of German Romanesque.

You may notice some ghostly figures, including a spectral automobile, in the photograph. Father Pitt would love to be able to claim privileged access to the wonders of the invisible world, but in fact this is a composite photograph taken on a busy street, and people will continue to move even when they see an older gentleman in a cocked hat trying to take a composite picture.

The Granite Building is just across Wood Street from the Wood Street subway station.


0 responses to “Granite Building”

  1. Unless they are trying to outdo the Hanging Gardens of 1 PNC Plaza, they could really stand to get their gutters cleaned.

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