This church in the Soho section of Uptown was built in the 1880s.(1) It began as the Central Presbyterian Church; in 1897 it merged with First Presbyterian downtown(2) and became the Central Chapel of the First Presbyterian Church. The style is typical Pittsburgh small-church Gothic. More recently this was the Corinthian Baptist Church, and although it is now boarded up, someone at least maintains the grounds.

This Kodak bridge camera has a very long Schneider lens, and in pictures at the far end we notice some vignetting if the background is plain enough. It could be corrected in the GIMP, but in this picture the vignetting adds to the artistic effect. How is that for an excuse for laziness?
- According to the old maps at the Historic Maps site, which show it in existence by 1890 but not in 1882. (↩)
- According to the page on “Pittsburgh, First Presbyterian Church,” at the Presbyterian Historical Society. (↩)