There is still at least one architect in Pittsburgh who can work in the Gothic idiom with modern materials. His name is David J. Vater, and he designed this building on Dithridge Street (which opened in 2007) and the Ryan Catholic Newman Center around the corner on Bayard Avenue. His listing on Porch.com has this to say about his firm: “Based in Pittsburgh, David J Vater Ra is an architectural firm that provides bathroom design, site planning, and master planning as well as other services.” The fact that bathroom design is mentioned first suggests that the demand for grand Gothic institutional buildings is low.
2 responses to “Gailliot Center for Newman Studies”
[…] up just a few years ago in a shockingly neo-Gothic style. (Mr. Vater was also responsible for the Galliot Center for Newman Studies around the […]
“…bathroom design is mentioned first suggests that the demand for grand Gothic institutional buildings.”
There may be another explanation. Pope John XXIII was once handed the official plans for a new Vatican building. The Pope looked them over briefly, paused, scribbled “Non Sumus Angeli,”, and handed them back to the surprised architect.
“We are no angels?” he translated quickly, mystified. He looked inquiringly at the Pope.
The Pope smiled. “You forgot to include any rest rooms!”