Tag: Storefronts

  • Apartment and Commercial Block on Murray Avenue, Squirrel Hill

    1914 Murray Avenue

    A commercial building and apartment block in the eclectic style popular in the 1920s: it carries a whiff of Spanish Mission, but also a bit of Renaissance. Liberal use of terra cotta enlivens the façade.

    Apartment entrance

  • Arch Street, North Side

    Arch Street

    Arch Street, which is now included in the Mexican War Streets despite not bearing the name of a battle or a general, is a typical North Side combination of dense rowhouses, small apartment buildings, and backstreet stores. Here are just a few sights within one block of the street.

    1225 Arch Street

    An exceptionally elaborate Queen Anne house whose owner has used bright but well-chosen colors to emphasize the wealth of detail on the front.

    1300 and 1228

    Two modest houses from before the Civil War; the brick house at left is dated 1842.

    1301 Arch Street

    A small apartment building with a well-balanced classical front.

    Front door

    Some fine woodwork surrounds a front door.


    The colorful dormer steals the show, but enlarge the picture to appreciate the terra-cotta grotesques on the cornice.


    This little building looks as though it dates from the 1920s. Although it is quite different in style from its neighbors, it fits harmoniously by sharing the same setback and similar height.


    A backstreet grocery that is currently functioning as a backstreet grocery—an unusual phenomenon in city neighborhoods these days. The apartment building above it has some interesting and attractive brickwork.

    Sony Alpha 3000.

  • Store and Apartments on North Charles Street, North Side

    2139 North Charles Street

    This section of North Charles Street has had at least four names. It began as Union Avenue; then it took on the name of Taggart Street, the continuation of the street to the south; then, when Allegheny was absorbed by Pittsburgh, Charles Street, the continuation of the street to the north and east, was renamed Taggart Street, to distinguish it from Charles Street on the Hill, which itself was soon renamed Elmore Street; and then for some reason the whole street was renamed Charles Street North, which has gradually turned into North Charles Street.

    At any rate, under all its names, this used to be the central street of a narrow neighborhood in the valley or ravine leading up to Perry Hilltop. Whole streets crowded with little frame houses have disappeared, leaving occasional isolated survivors. This substantial brick building may go back as far as the 1870s, though if so it has been heavily altered; or it may have replaced another brick building of similar dimensions. Either way, it is an interesting building to look at, so we need no more excuse for publishing its picture.

    2139 North Charles Street
    Canon PowerShot SX150 IS.

  • A Backstreet Corner of the South Side in the Snow

    Corner of Sidney Street and South 19th Street

    The corner of Sidney Street and South 19th Street, where we find a Second Empire building with a beautifully kept storefront.

  • Elias Kauffeld Building, South Side

    Elias Kauffeld Building
    Fujifilm FinePix HS10.

    A particularly splendid mid-Victorian building from 1881, as we can see by the beehive date stone in the middle of the façade.

    The architect would probably have told you that the style was Renaissance, but mid-Victorian architects were much freer in their interpretation of historical styles than the next generation would be.

  • Liberty Avenue in Bloomfield

    Liberty Avenue in Bloomfield

    Carson Street on the South Side is reputed to be one of the best-preserved Victorian streetscapes in America. Liberty Avenue in Bloomfield may not come quite up to that standard, but it is probably second in Pittsburgh. The commercial district was built up in the 1880s and 1890s. Like Carson Street, it preserves many Victorian commercial buildings, along with a peppering of later styles. These pictures are all of the northeast side, because the sun was behind the southwest side.

    4723 Liberty Avenue

    A good example of the most basic form of Pittsburgh Rundbogenstil, the German hybrid of classical and Romanesque architecture that old Pa Pitt mentions every chance he gets because he likes to say “Rundbogenstil.” In the 1800s, before it became the most Italian of our Italian neighborhoods, Bloomfield was mostly German.

    4727 Liberty Avenue

    A Second Empire building from the 1880s.

    4753 Liberty Avenue

    This building dates from the 1890s. It probably had a date and inscription in that crest at the top of the façade, but later owners obliterated the evidence.

    4729 Liberty Avenue

    We saw this 1924 building before at dusk; here it is in bright sunlight. The bright light gives us a chance to appreciate the decorative details with a long lens.

    Sidewalk of Liberty Avenue
    Kodak EasyShare Z981.

  • Two and a Half Buildings by Charles Geisler on the South Side

    1415 East Carson Street

    Charles Geisler, who lived in the South Hills neighborhoods all his working life, was a successful architect who specialized in small to medium-sized apartment and commercial buildings. Much of his work had a tint of the Spanish Mission style. The ground floor of this building, put up in 1923, has probably changed, but the upper floors are unusually well preserved, with tiled overhang, nine-over-one windows, and carved wood brackets, making this an excellent example of Geisleriana.

    Terra cotta
    1415 East Carson Street
    1411 East Carson Street

    This little building looks like the little brother of the building next door. Father Pitt has no direct evidence that Geisler designed it, but the two properties were under the same ownership in 1923. Given the notable similarity in the treatments of the rooflines, it is reasonable to suspect Geisler, even if we cannot yet convict him of the design.

    The Rex Theater

    The Rex is attributed to Geisler in city architectural surveys, although it has been remodeled more than once, and old Pa Pitt would not be surprised if one of those remodelings was under the direction of Victor A. Rigaumont, who had a prosperous practice converting the silent generation’s movie houses to up-to-date Art Deco palaces for the talkie era.

    Fujifilm FinePix HS10.

  • Your Carson Street Snow Globe

    1602 and 1600

    Carson Street on the South Side is reputed to be one of the best-preserved Victorian commercial streets in North America. Mere snow cannot deter old Pa Pitt from his duty of documenting the city around him, so here is a generous album of Carson Street buildings, most of Victorian vintage, with falling snow for added picturesque effect.

    1713 and 1715
  • Goettler Building, South Side

    Goettler Building

    Carson Street on the South Side is known as one of the best-preserved Victorian streetscapes in North America. Father Pitt loves to photograph those Victorian buildings, with their lavish yet careful attention to detail; but in a spirit of contrarian perversity, old Pa Pitt also likes to point out the post-Victorian additions to the streetscape. This building was probably put up shortly before 1910 in a very modern style for its time. The front is unusually well preserved, with big display windows wrapping around properly inset entrances.

    Perspective view of the Goettler Building
    Fujifilm FinePix HS10.

  • Some Commercial Buildings on Fifth Avenue, Coraopolis

    934 Fifth Avenue

    A few of the commercial buildings on Fifth Avenue, the mainest of the main streets in Coraopolis. We begin with a curious building that reveals its secret as we move along the street: it is a Second Empire building from the late 1800s with a later commercial front added.

    934 Fifth Avenue
    934 Fifth Avenue from the side
    940 Fifth Avenue

    An interesting roofline and a bit of Art Nouveau terra-cotta decoration enliven this little storefront.

    938 Fifth Avenue
    942 and 944 Fifth Avenue
    1014 and 1016 Fifth Avenue
    1014 and 1016 Fifth Avenue
    Fujifilm FinePix HS10.
