Tag: Panhandle Bridge

  • City of Bridges

    Bridges over the Mon

    Nearest to farthest: Liberty Bridge, Panhandle Bridge, Smithfield Street Bridge, Fort Pitt Bridge, West End Bridge.

    Bridges again
    These are bridges
  • Bridges on the Monongahela

    Monongahela River at Pittsburgh

    The Panhandle Bridge, in the foreground, carries trolleys across the Monongahela River. Behind that, the Liberty Bridge; then the Tenth Street Bridge; and in the distance, the Birmingham Bridge. Below, a slightly different framing of the same view.

  • Panhandle Bridge

    Panhandle Bridge

    When Amtrak stopped using this bridge and the downtown tunnel into which it led, the Port Authority seized the opportunity. The bridge now carries the streetcars over the Mon and into the subway, the first part of which uses that old railroad tunnel—so that, like many other things in Pittsburgh, our subway is cobbled together from spare parts.