Tag: Hoodridge Drive

  • Like New on Hoodridge Drive, Mount Lebanon

    201 Hoodridge Drive

    Seven rooms and two baths: this house (obviously photographed a few weeks ago) is at the more modest end of Hoodridge Drive, but it is in good taste and almost completely unaltered since it was built in 1935. We know that because, when it was “just completed,” it was pictured in a Press real-estate feature. Although the microfilm reproduction is very poor, we can still see enough to tell that nothing material has changed.

  • More Houses on Hoodridge Drive, Mount Lebanon

    82 Hoodridge Drive

    We visited again on a cloudy day to get pictures of some of the houses we had to skip the last time we visited Hoodridge Drive, when the sun was from the wrong direction.

    208 Hoodridge Drive
    114 Hoodridge Drive
    106 Hoodridge Drive

    In some of these pictures old Pa Pitt took out the utility cables. With others he despaired.

    94 again
  • Hoodridge Drive in Mount Lebanon

    39 Hoodridge Drive

    Hoodridge Drive in Mount Lebanon is another one of those streets where every house is a distinguished work of architecture. The variety of styles is not quite as broad as in Mission Hills or Beverly Heights, but the houses at the western end are on a magnificent scale that qualifies them for the term “mansion.”

    39 Hoodridge Drive
    39 Hoodridge Drive
    43 Hoodridge Drive
    93 Hoodridge Drive
    53 Hoodridge Drive
    55 Hoodridge Drive
    61 Hoodridge Drive
    111 Hoodridge Drive
    119 Hoodridge Drive
    83 Hoodridge Drive
    83 Hoodridge Drive

    The eastern half of Hoodridge Drive is more modest, but there are some interesting and distinctive designs among those smaller houses as well. We’ll be returning to this extraordinary street soon.