Morning sun illuminates the Cathedral of Learning.
Cathedral of Learning on a Winter Morning
First Baptist Church
First Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian was designed by the Philadelphia architect Theophilus P. Chandler, whose name makes him sound like the obstructive villain in a Marx Brothers farce. Above we see it from across Trinity Churchyard, with the last leaves of autumn still clinging to an oak tree in front of Trinity Cathedral. Below, details of the Gothic decoration.
Not many churches are confident enough of the permanence of their service times to have them literally set in stone.
Spire of Trinity Cathedral
Deco Gothic in Mount Lebanon
Though old Pa Pitt has not yet found any documentary evidence, he identifies this building with some confidence as an old neighborhood movie house. The marquee, the Hollywood Gothic fantasy terra-cotta front, and the shape of the building (it is fairly long from front to back) all suggest a movie theater of the silent era.
Dormont United Methodist Church
The year 2013 was a bad year for older churches in Dormont: three of them—the Presbyterians, the Baptists, and the Methodists—gave up trying to maintain their fine old buildings with diminished congregations. The Presbyterians sold their building to a suburban megachurch; the humbler Methodists sold their building to Buddhists who used it as a temple. But the Buddhists, after having painted the building in this attractive bright yellow and red, have given up as well; and as of October 2019 the building is for sale again.
Tabernacle of the Union Baptist Church
The curiously angular Gothic of this 1881 church might have pleased a congregation that wanted a building that looked like a church, but not one that looked too medieval. Like many other churches in the most crowded Pittsburgh neighborhoods (including several on the South Side), it adapts to its tiny lot by placing the sanctuary on the second floor, leaving the ground floor for Sunday-school rooms and social halls.
Heinz Chapel
Tower of St. Bernard’s, Mount Lebanon
The tower of St. Bernard’s peers over the trees in Mount Lebanon, brought to you in old-postcard colors thanks to the Two-Strip Technicolor plugin for the GIMP.
Dormont Presbyterian Church
The old Dormont Presbyterian Church dominates the business district on Potomac Avenue, making that corner of Dormont look almost like a medieval English city. The church was built in 1923 (or in 1907, with an expansion in 1923; Pa Pitt’s sources are a little fuzzy). The Presbyterians, along with the Baptists and Methodists, threw in the towel in 2013, and this is now a branch of North Way Christian Community.