Tag: Domestic Architecture

  • Folk Art in a Gable in Beltzhoover

    602 Beltzhoover Avenue

    Here is an exceptionally fine example of a decorated gable in a house built in the 1880s.1 The house is a rare survivor in Pittsburgh, where almost every frame house has long since been sheathed in one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse—aluminum, vinyl, Insulbrick, and Permastone.

    Folk art is notoriously perishable; what is valuable is valuable precisely because there is so little of it left compared to what has been thrown out as worthless. Decorating houses with woodwork was one outlet for the artistic instinct that gave the work more than usual permanence, and in neglected neighborhoods we can still find some of these decorations in houses that have been kept up but not improved with fake siding. Whether the decorations were hand-carved or turned out by the hundreds as stock designs from a lumber mill, they represent an important branch of folk art—designs that stand outside the main stream of academic art, but stand within a long vernacular tradition of decoration.

    602 Beltzhoover Avenue
    Canon PowerShot SX150 IS.

  • Two Victorian Rows on Craig Street

    207–213 South Craig Street

    Two rows of houses that have adapted to the trendy business atmosphere of South Craig Street. The row above has been adapted with minimal external modifications.


    Since old Pa Pitt is a connoisseur of breezeways, he could not neglect this exceptionally fine example.

    207–213 South Craig Street
    311–315 South Craig Street
    Canon PowerShot SX150 IS.

    This row has been altered a bit more, though some care was taken to preserve its distinctive outlines.

  • Some Houses in Cochran Place, Mount Lebanon

    433 Arden Road

    Cochran Place is a small plan on both sides of Beverly Road next to Cochran Road. These pictures are all from the Cochran Place Addition, which was built up in the late 1920s or early 1930s; all the houses were here by 1934. They are more modest than their near neighbors in Virginia Manor, but they are as rich and varied as any other houses in the Mount Lebanon Historic District. Stone is a very common material here: in fact, stone houses outnumber brick ones in Cochran Place.

    433 Arden Road
    441 Arden Road
    441 Arden Road
    200 McCann Place
    200 McCann Place
    200 McCann Place
    460 Arden Road
    464 Arden Road
    464 Arden Road
    121 McCann Place
    120 McCann Place
    120 McCann Place, brickwork
    471 Arden Road
    465 Arden Road
    461 Arden Road
    Fujifilm FinePix HS10.

  • A Walk on North Avenue in Manchester

    1337 and 1339 West North Avenue

    A few weeks ago old Pa Pitt took a wintry walk on North Avenue (which used to be Fayette Street back when it did not run all the way through to North Avenue on the rest of the North Side). He took piles of pictures, and although he published four articles so far from that walk (one, two, three, four), there’s still quite a collection backed up waiting to be published. Thus this very long article, which is a smorgasbord of Victorian domestic architecture with a few other eras thrown in. Above, a pair of Italianate houses. They both preserve the tall windows typical of the high Italianate style; the one on the right still has (or has restored) its two-over-two panes.

    Many more pictures…
  • Sciota Street, Bloomfield

    Houses on Sciota Street in the Bloomfield neighborhood of Pittsburgh
    Canon PowerShot SX150 IS.

    A typical backstreet Bloomfield row of frame houses, showing almost every treatment working-class Pittsburghers can think of to apply to the exterior of an old house.

  • Stony Romanesque in the Mexican War Streets

    208 West North Avenue

    This stone-fronted Romanesque house on North Avenue is decorated with intricate carvings, and Father Pitt would guess that they were probably by Achille Giammartini, who was responsible for most of the best Romanesque decoration in Pittsburgh, and who also decorated the Masonic Hall just up the street.

    Romanesque capital
    Romanesque capital
    Romanesque capital
    Carved ornament and volute
    Kodak EasyShare Z981.

  • More Houses on North Avenue in the Mexican War Streets

    North Avenue at Palo Alto Street

    A couple of blocks of North Avenue, where we can see some fine Italianate houses of the Civil War era, interspersed with some towering Queen Anne mansions. We start at the corner of Palo Alto Street, where a Queen Anne house makes the most of a tiny lot by going up to a fourth floor.

    400 West North Avenue
    404 and 402

    These two houses share splendid porches, probably added later, since the porches match even though the houses do not. The owners of the houses have coordinated their efforts, so that the porches match.


    Three more modest houses, though their full third floors give them a generous allotment of bedrooms.

    418 and 412

    A pair of houses that were both the peak of elegance in different eras. The Italianate one on the right goes for a simpler dignity; the Queen Anne on the left pulls out all the stops to make the most picturesque composition possible. Note the relative heights, by the way: high ceilings were a feature of the Italianate style in better houses, so that the house at left adds one more floor in exactly the same vertical height.

    Seventeen years ago, Father Pitt published a picture of the front door of the house on the right. The picture was taken on 120 film with a folding Agfa Isolette.

    502 and 500

    Two simple and attractive Italianate houses, one of which has grown a partial fourth floor.

    508 and 506

    Here is an interesting document of how the neighborhood has changed. The house at left was originally an Italianate residence; the corner store may have been original or may have been added later. The projecting commercial building next to it, which probably dates from about 1920, was added when the house was taken over by the United States Casket Company, later the Melia Casket Company, which still inhabited the building until about twelve years ago. Both buildings have had a thorough renovation since the casket-makers moved out.

    512 and 514

    Two different interpretations of Italianate, one of which has sprouted an inartistic dormer to give it a fourth floor.

    514 and 512

    Finally, a center-hall house in a kind of late Greek Revival style; it occupies a double lot.

    Sony Alpha 3000; Kodak EasyShare Z981.

  • Queen Anne Manse in Knoxville

    221 Knox Avenue
    Canon PowerShot SX150 IS.

    Much of the detail on this fine old house is well preserved, including the half-octagon dormer, the oval art-glass window, the wraparound porch (partly enclosed by an improvised screen), and one of the finest displays of aluminum awning old Pa Pitt has ever seen.

  • Garage Done Right

    248 Orchard Drive

    In the 1920s and 1930s, designers of houses often made them into fairy-tale cottages, in which every detail was carefully managed to evoke picturesque fantasies of old England or France. But this was also the time when built-in garages were becoming a requirement for suburban homes. If the garage door is on the front, it often spoils the fantasy. But this house in Mission Hills, Mount Lebanon, shows us that there is an alternative: make the garage part of the fantasy.

    Front with garage

    Not only is the garage entrance a big stone arch that suggests an immemorially ancient cellar under the house, but it is also decorated with the terra-cotta rays that were a fashionable adornment of the fairy-tale style.

    Decorative rays over the garage entrance
    Kodak EasyShare Z1281.

  • More of Mission Hills in the Snow

    230 Orchard Drive

    Mission Hills is a neighborhood where every house is an individual work of art. It has a special charm in the snow. Here is a short stroll on Orchard Drive, taking in a wide variety of styles.

    230 Orchard Drive