The Wilkins family took the word “mausoleum” quite seriously and attempted a scale model of the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, which is probably the inspiration for more constructions in Pittsburgh than any other classical edifice.
Stained Glass in the Shields Mausoleum, Homewood Cemetery
Mr. Shields decided to take his favorite pinup girl with him to the grave. A stout wooden beam apparently holding up the ceiling of the mausoleum stands in the way of the view of this window; Father Pitt has therefore stitched this picture together from two separate pictures, and the seam is obvious. But the window is unusual enough that we can tolerate a substandard photograph.
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A dragonfly (or some close relative) lights on a dry grass stem hanging over a pond in the Homewood Cemetery. Old Pa Pitt is no entomologist, and all he knows about dragonflies is that there seem to be infinite varieties of them, and every one is beautiful.
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Roberto Clemente Bridge
The Sixth Street or Roberto Clemente bridge, one of the famous Three Sisters, seen from the North Side.
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Joseph Horne Monument, Allegheny Cemetery
Joseph Hone, the department-store baron, certainly had enough money for a mausoleum, but chose to be remembered by this beautiful monument instead. Because the relief is worth examining, old Pa Pitt has given you this picture in a larger size than usual: click on it to load the picture in your browser, then magnify it to full size.
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Urn in Highland Park
Father Pitt does not know the history of these urns, and would be delighted if any of his readers could enlighten him. This one is set back against the woody hill that slopes down from the reservoir.
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Dolphin Fountain, Highland Park
Frank Vittor gave us these striking classical dolphins for Pittsburgh’s parks, and a number of them remain in place and working. Some kindhearted soul has set out a water dish for the many dogs who come to walk their people in Highland Park.
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Stained Glass in the Wittmer Mausoleum, Allegheny Cemetery
A fine piece of glass, though the symbolism may be a bit muddled. The parting of the clouds and the heavenly radiance suggest that the dove represents the Holy Spirit; the leaf in its beak suggests Noah’s dove (Genesis 8:10-11).
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Cathedral of Learning from Greenfield
We took similar pictures in early spring; now here is the view in the late summer, considerably leafier.
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