Category: Phipps Conservatory

  • Chrysanthemums and Coleus

    Blooming coleus with a background of yellow chrysanthemums

    At the Phipps Fall Flower Show.

  • Japanese Maples

    Japanese maples in fall colors

    In the Japanese Courtyard Garden at Phipps Conservatory.

    Red, yellow, and green foliage
  • Chrysanthemums at the Phipps Fall Flower Show

    This is the last weekend of the Fall Flower Show at Phipps. They’re already starting work on the Winter Flower Show. Every year each show has a whimsical theme, but for fall the stars of the show are always the chrysanthemums.

  • Rooftops of Oakland and Phipps Conservatory

    Looking across the rowhouses and apartments of central Oakland toward Phipps Conservatory. In the distance at upper left is the Park Mansions apartment building.

  • Japanese Courtyard Garden, Phipps Conservatory

    Camera: Samsung Digimax V4.

    A carefully orchestrated symphony of textures.

  • Habenaria medusa

    There are many species of Habenaria orchids, including several native to North America. But this one wins the prize for unusual flowers. Enlarge the picture above to appreciate the individual flowers.

    Habenaria medusa is a terrestrial orchid (it grows in the ground, whereas most of the tropical orchids we cultivate grow on tree branches), so Phipps Conservatory keeps this one in a big terra-cotta pot that probably takes two strong volunteers to move.

  • Iron-Cross Begonia

    Begonia masoniana, grown for its strikingly patterned leaves, at Phipps Conservatory.

  • Paphiopedilum Transvaal ‘Beechview’

    Paphiopedilum Transvaal ‘Beechview’

    Its parents come from Indonesia, but this paph speaks with a Picksburgh accent. According to its tag in the Orchid Room at Phipps Conservatory, it has won an Award of Merit from the American Orchid Society.

    Papihopedilum Transvaal is an old hybrid, first made in 1901, between P. chamberlainianum and P. rothschildianum. Orchid genetics are complex enough that the seedlings from a hybrid are all different, so each one can become a named clone (with the name in single quotes) if someone likes it well enough. Obviously, with AM-AOS after its name, someone would like this one a great deal.

    Paphiopedilum Transvaal ‘Beechview’
    Paphiopedilum Transvaal ‘Beechview’
  • Two Species of Stanhopea in Phipps Conservatory

    Stanhopea wardii
    Stanhopea wardii

    Stanhopea is a genus of orchids with remarkably complex flowers whose intricate mechanics make the pollinator bees go through an amusement-park ride to get the nectar they want, and incidentally pollinate the flower. The flowers hang down from the bottom of the plant, so in conservatories Stanhopea species are usually grown in hanging baskets. Above: Stanhopea ruckeri.

    [Updated update: The tag identified the plant as Stanhopea wardii, but a Wikimedia Commons user identified the photos above as S. ruckeri and renamed the files, which made the pictures disappear from this page. They have been restored under their new file names. The user who changed them was kind enough to correspond with Father Pitt, noting that he had submitted the pictures to a leading orchid taxonomist who is an expert on Stanhopea. Phipps orchid tags are sometimes wrong, since the collection is huge and has been growing since 1892, so old Pa Pitt is inclined to believe the Stanhopea expert. But you should know, if you care, that there is some doubt.]

    Below: an unidentified species of Stanhopea (marked “Stanhopea species” on the tag).

    Stanhopea species
    Stanhopea species
  • Christmas Tree

    A Christmas tree from six years ago in the Phipps Conservatory Winter Flower Show of 2014.