Category: Nature

  • Rainbow After the Storms


    Destructive storms swept through Pittsburgh all day, causing millions of dollars’ worth of damage in floods. But after the storms came a reminder that, after all, things could have been worse.

  • Moss, Mushroom, Caterpillar


    A tiny green caterpillar climbs a mushroom in Frick Park.

  • Toad in the Hole


    Our most common toad, the American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus), sitting on a rock ledge in Frick Park.

  • Supermoon



    So the astrologers and newspapers call it: a full moon at perigee, so that it looks especially large and bright. These images were taken with a pocket digital camera, which is incapable of dealing with unusual light conditions. But it was what old Pa Pitt had to work with.

  • A Celandine Wood in Fox Chapel

    Acres and acres of Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) carpet the forest floor near the Squaw Run in Fox Chapel. These and many other local flowers may be found at our sister site Flora Pittsburghensis.

  • Waterfall Near the Trillium Trail, Fox Chapel


    This waterfall is usually a gentle and friendly thing, as we see it here, but it can be a roaring cascade after a bad storm. There used to be two footbridges over the stream below, but both are mangled wrecks since a storm a few years back.

  • Trillium in the Rain


    A Great White Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum) blooming along the Trillium Trail in Fox Chapel.

  • Fiddlehead

    Fern fiddlehead

    As nature awakens from her winter slumber, the ferns uncurl their elegant fiddleheads in Schenley Park.

  • Little Waterfalls in Scott Township

    Father Pitt admits to being a sucker for waterfalls, big or small. These are small, but very relaxing to look at and listen to. They’re part of a stream along the Tom the Tinker Trail in the Kane Nature Reserve. You can hear the spring chorus of birds in the background.

    The name of the trail, incidentally, is an allusion to the Whiskey Rebellion. Notes signed “Tom the Tinker” appeared everywhere threatening anyone who complied with the whiskey tax.

  • Waterfall on the Squaw Run


    A little waterfall on the Squaw Run in Fox Chapel.