Trees, like human beings, become more interesting as they suffer more misfortunes.
A Preview of Winter
Our first substantial snow of the season left wet snow in the woods, but not on the roads—just the way snow is best appreciated.
Fall Colors
A subdued October has given way to the most gloriously colorful November in recent memory.
Fall Colors
Giant Puffballs
There’s something impressive about a mushroom bigger than a soccer ball. These giant puffballs (Calvatia gigantea) appeared on a wooded hillside in Mount Lebanon, near a pile of decaying wood. Squirrels or chipmunks seem to have been nibbling at them as they grew, which gives them pockmarked surfaces that make them look like asteroids.
Fall Colors
Country Road
A country road near Wexford, not yet lined with townhouse developments and strip malls. Milkweeds are turning yellow and maples are turning red.
Autumn in the Woods
Sunlight filters through yellow leaves on a wooded hillside in Mount Lebanon.
Staghorn Sumac
The fruits of a Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina) often persist after the brilliantly colored leaves have begun to drop off.
Pond Near Wexford
A pond near Wexford reflects the autumn leaves.