Category: Beltzhoover

  • Beltzhoover Presbyterian Church

    Since 1969 this has been the home of South Hills Baptist Church, but it was originally Presbyterian. It is a tidy and well-kept example of a small corner-tower church from the late 1800s or very early 1900s, modest but very tasteful, combining Romanesque style with the Arts-and-Crafts trend of the 1890s. Fortunately the current congregation has maintained it in beautiful and original shape.

  • Beltzhoover Sub-District School

    Beltzhoover Sub-District School
    This picture was made from 15 separate photographs, so be aware that it will be about 18 megabytes of data if you enlarge it.

    Built in 1909, this is a grand classical schoolhouse with a distinctive tower; except for the tower, we can imagine it as an English earl’s house from the 1600s. The architects were William J. Shaw and Thomas Lloyd. The school has been abandoned for years, but there is hope now of turning it into apartments. In the huge picture above, note the way the building defies the typically Pittsburghish slope of the street. In fact it sits on a mound in the middle of the block, and you need some legs to get up to it from any direction.

    Beltzhoover Elementary School
    Beltzhoover Sub-District School