Father Pitt

Why should the beautiful die?

World War I Memorial, Coraopolis

Doughboy with bayonet

The World War I memorial in Coraopolis has been cleaned and polished and looks new. The statue of an advancing doughboy is probably a stock item—it appears on war memorials in other towns—but it is well executed. It does not stand up to the Lawrenceville Doughboy, but nothing does.

Coraopolis war memorial
War memorial

Old Pa Pitt has been making it his usual practice to record all the names on any war memorial he photographs, because even well-maintained memorials like this one can suffer accident or decay. The names will be quite legible if you enlarge the picture.

Roll of Honor, part 1
Roll of Honor, part 2
Roll of Honor, part 3
Roll of Honor, part 4
Kodak EasyShare Z981.

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