Father Pitt

Why should the beautiful die?

A Stony Row on Liverpool Street, Manchester

Row at Liverpool and Fulton Streets
Kodak EasyShare Z1285.

This row of stone-fronted houses is a good example of late-Victorian eclecticism. The heavy rustic stone and elaborate foliage decorations say “Romanesque,” but the porch columns have “modern Ionic” capitals typical of the Renaissance. And it all works together just fine, though it might give an architectural pedant hives.

Modern Ionic capital
Nikon COOLPIX P100.

The stonecarving was probably done by Achille Giammartini, who lived a few blocks away on Page Street.

Achille Giammartini advertising his services

Hiding in the shadows is a whimsical grotesque face that may remind us of somebody we know.

Grotesque foliage face
Row of stone houses
Front door

Note the old address, 185, carved in stone beside the door to what is now 1305 Liverpool Street. The addresses in Manchester changed at about the time Allegheny was taken into Pittsburgh.

1301–1309 Liverpool Street, Manchester

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