Maximilian Nirdlinger, who is on old Pa Pitt’s short list of architects whose names are most fun to say, designed this little store building in 1914,(1) and we would guess it was completed by 1915. It was a very small and inexpensive project for downtown, but Nirdlinger made sure it was a tasteful one; and it has been updated without losing its essential character, which is classical by way of German-art-magazine modern.

- Source: The Construction Record, September 27, 1913: “Architect M . Nirdlinger, Diamond Bank building awarded to Landau Brothers, 311 Second avenue the contract for erecting a two-story brick and terra cotta store building on Tenth and Liberty streets for Laurent Watson. Richard Hartje Heirs and Augusta Hartje. Cost $14,000.” The same owners appear for this property on the 1923 map. (↩)