Father Pitt

Why should the beautiful die?

Rowhouses on Penn Avenue, Garfield

5100 block of Penn Avenue

These are Baltimore-style rowhouses, where the whole block was built at once as more or less one subdivided building. They are much less common in Pittsburgh, but we do find them occasionally, and these rows in Garfield preserve many of their original details. They were built in the 1880s(1), probably as rental properties, since the 1890 map shows them as all owned by Brown, Donnell & Verner. Intact rows from this era are rare in Pittsburgh, and we should take care to preserve these two rows. Above, the 5100 block of Penn Avenue. Below, houses in the 5200 block.

5200 block

Terra-cotta owls decorate every house. One wonders whether they had special significance for Brown, Donnell, or Verner.

Another owl
Corner house
House with yellow door


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