Formerly Union Presbyterian Church, this congregation has been here more than two centuries. In the adjacent burying ground are several Revolutionary War veterans, and the hilltop church with the cemetery below is irresistibly picturesque.
Old Pa Pitt, however, could not get a good picture of the church today, because he was there in the afternoon when the sun was shining in the wrong direction. So instead he gives you the next best thing, which is an atmospheric picture. You can always compensate for a picture’s defects by turning it black and white and calling it art.
0 responses to “Union Church, Robinson Township”
I would dearly love to visit this church! I am currently writing and researching about a former pastor of this congregation, the Rev John Ekin DD. May I please have permission to use your photo and link back to your post? Rev Ekin was my 3x great grandfather. I know many of my family are buried in this churchyard (and in surrounding areas) and I am hoping to visit there soon. (Names would include Ekin, Starrett, and Aiken, and variations of the spellings of their names.) I am thrilled that the church building is still standing.
Julie Phelps
Hi – I work at Union. Would it be ok if we used this image for our website?