East Liberty
Over at Mental Floss, an interesting article tells us How 65 Pittsburgh Neighborhoods Got Their Names. Someone pointed out the article to old Pa Pitt, and he immediately noticed that three of the pictures were his. These are pictures he has donated to Wikimedia Commons, as he does most of his pictures these days, and he is delighted to see that people are finding them as useful as he had hoped.


0 responses to “How Pittsburgh Neighborhoods Got Their Names”
Thank you for donating such lovely photos.
Father Pitt hopes that, as he adds to the Pittsburgh sections on Wikimedia Commons, more and more people will find the pictures useful. No one who wants to write about what a fascinating city Pittsburgh is should ever lack for illustrations to prove the point.
BTW, the Old Stone Tavern in the West End still standing and its ledger from 1793 -1797 still existing show Melchior Beltzhoover (p 125, 221), Mr. Boyd (p 222), John Ormsby, Jr. (p 45), St. Clair (p 190), and John Woods (marked as spy on p 88 and also appearing on p 224). At one time, Daniel Elliott owned the Tavern. As to any pictures of Mt. Washington, I don’t think there are any since all pictures taken are of the city and none really of the Mount.