For ten years from 1978 to 1988, Richard Caliguiri (pronounced, in defiance of all orthography, “Cal-i-JOOR-ee”) was mayor of Pittsburgh. During that time, even though the steel industry collapsed and hundreds of thousands of jobs vanished, downtown Pittsburgh went through the most prosperous period in its history. In 1988, he died of Pennsylvania Politician’s Disease, otherwise known as amyloidosis, just before the prosperity ended, assuring his canonization as the most beloved mayor in the city’s history. This statue by the famous portraitist Robert Berks stands on the steps of the City-County Building. He’s looking over a map of his beloved Golden Triangle, a map that changed considerably during his time in office.
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St. Richard Caliguiri
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0 responses to “St. Richard Caliguiri”
[…] expect from Burnham. Here we see it from the porch of the City-County Building, with the statue of Richard Caliguiri in the […]
Dick Caliguiri was a very gifted politician. Yet what I remember are his modesty and kindness.