Father Pitt

Why should the beautiful die?

Robert Burns Fans: Here’s Your Wallpaper

Andrew Carnegie and a number of other wealthy poetry-lovers gave us this statue of Robert Burns, which stands in Schenley Park on the grounds of Phipps Conservatory, just at the end of the Panther Hollow Bridge. So I’ve made it into a perfect computer wallpaper for Burns fans everywhere. The wallpaper comes in three different proportions; click on each image for the full-scale version.

The 1600 x 1200 version can be rescaled to fit 1280 x 960, 1024 x 768, 800 x 600, 640 x 480, or any other 4-to-3 display.

The 1680 x 1060 version can be scaled to fit widescreen displays.

The 1280 x 1024 version fits most last-generation CRT monitors at their highest resolution.


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