Yes, old Pa Pitt did plant tulips right in front of this patch of daylilies just to prove that he has daylilies that bloom in tulip season.
The variety has no name, because it came from a batch of unnamed hybrid seedlings. But every year it reliably produces the earliest daylily flowers Father Pitt knows of, and every year he takes its picture, with a tulip in the frame if possible.
Every year we bring you this early daylily, which came from an unnamed hybrid seedling. Here it is again, blooming today.
This picture is not an artistic masterpiece, but it does demonstrate the interesting fact that this daylily is blooming before the tulips have faded.
Old Pa Pitt has finally migrated away from WordPress.com to a server that places fewer restrictions on his site. (The address is still FatherPitt.com; all your links through that address should still work.) Almost all the content from the past fourteen and a half years has moved here, except (for some reason) the last two weeks’ worth of articles. Those will reappear soon. (Update: They have now been restored.) You can expect Father Pitt to be tinkering with the design of the site for a while.
Meanwhile, here are some daylilies in the rain, straight from the Olympus E-20N DSLR with no editing at all. The camera is officially old enough to buy its own alcoholic beverages this year, but it still takes pretty good pictures in glorious five-megapixel resolution.
Yes, since you ask, Father Pitt did plant tulips right in front of this patch of daylilies so he could take these pictures proving that these daylilies do really bloom as early as the end of tulip season. The pictures were taken on May 13, and old Pa Pitt does not know of any other daylilies blooming that early in the city. The variety has no name, since it came from a batch of mixed unnamed hybrid seedlings.