Though credited to Eggers & Higgins in most guides to Pittsburgh architecture, the Le Corbusier–style cruciform-towers-in-a-park design was the work of Irwin Clavan. According to Franklin Toker, “The design of these cruciform towers represented a tug-of-war between the traditionalists Eggers and Higgins, former partners of John Russell Pope (Eggers was also a major force in building the Pentagon), and the more progressive Clavan, who in the same years designed cruciform-tower housing estates in New York on the model of Le Corbusier’s 1922 towers-in-the-park scheme for Paris. Between seven and fifteen cruciform towers were originally projected, in traditional brick and limestone. At the last minute the designs were respecified for stainless steel, but scarcities during the Korean War required that chrome-alloyed steel be substituted.”1
Old Pa Pitt does not know whether the last-minute substitution of steel was a matter of cost or aesthetics, but it made all the difference in the world. Like most big cities, Pittsburgh is littered with postwar brick cruciform apartment towers. They are not missed if they go away. But the glimmering steel face of the Gateway Center towers makes them unique and attractive. They catch the light and throw it back in constantly shifting patterns throughout the day. The steel lifts these towers out of the bland and forgettable, and we should appreciate how lucky we are to have it.
- Pittsburgh: An Urban Portrait, p. 26. ↩︎