Stream Valley in Bird Park, Mount Lebanon
Fox Squirrel
Sciurus niger in Bird Park, Mount Lebanon. This is the largest of our tree squirrels, easily confused with the almost-as-big grey squirrel (Sciurus calolinensis), but usually distinguishable by a certain amount of brownish coloring, which the grey squirrel seldom has.
Lichens and Bracket Fungi
On a fallen tree in Bird Park, Mount Lebanon.
Bracket Fungi
Fallen Tree
The forest reclaims a fallen tree in Bird Park, Mount Lebanon.
Bracket Fungus on a Log
Bracket fungus on a log in the woods in Bird Park. In the background, Phlox divaricata.
A Walk in the Park
The Bird Park Drive end of Bird Park, Mount Lebanon.
A Walk in the April Woods
Bird Park, a stream-valley park in Mount Lebanon, is a good place to look for spring flowers, and a fine place to take a little healthy outdoor exercise.
Autumn Leaves in Bird Park
Autumn colors in Bird Park, a stream-valley park in Mount Lebanon.