A smokestack reaches for the sky from the Carnegie Institute heating plant. The picture is teeming with metaphorical possibilities, none of which will be elaborated here.
Dolphin Fountain
A classical dolphin in a long-dry fountain at the entrance to Grandview Park, on the edge of the cliff at Mount Washington.
An Intersection in Four Mile Run
In neighborhoods like Four Mile Run, nestled in a steep ravine, some of the streets necessarily turn into stairways.
Selling Brookline
Brookline today is a pleasant city neighborhood whose central avenue, Brookline Boulevard, is the broadest commercial street in Pittsburgh–a fact that will greatly surprise visitors from other cities, where residential streets may well be broader than Brookline Boulevard. In 1905, it was mostly vacant lots, but this advertisement promises a glowing future that–for the most part–actually came to pass. The neighborhood will enjoy even greater advantages when it is taken into the city of Pittsburgh: “the vote has been taken, the matter is officially settled.” The acrimonious annexation of Allegheny was still very much up in the air at that point, and the public would need assurance that Brookline would not present similar difficulties.
Floral Wallpaper
Rosa multiflora (it has no common name except “multiflora rose” and some nicknames too impolite to repeat here) is a noxious and invasive weed that can take over whole hillsides with its thick, rambling, thorny shoots. In June, it’s also one of our most beautiful flowers, covering itself with clusters of white roses and filling the air with rose perfume.
Here are two versions of a Rosa multiflora picture that will make a splendid desktop wallpaper for your computer. Nothing is more restful, or more conducive to productive work, than a view of green leaves and white flowers. Click to enlarge; right-click to download the full-size version.
The wide-screen version is for typical wide-screen screen resolutions of 1680 by 1050 or smaller.
The standard version is for screen resolutions of 1280 by 1024 or smaller.
Back End of the Mexican War Streets
The Mexican War Streets are mostly flat, but at the back end they start to creep up the hill toward Perry Hilltop. This beautiful block of rowhouses is just about perfect: the street paved with Belgian block, the houses well taken care of but not ostentatiously overrestored, and filled with friendly neighbors.
Brick sidewalks have their own charm, and they become more charming as they age and grow more difficult to walk on.
Spring Wildflowers of the Stream Valleys
Stream valleys with precipitous slopes—too precipitous even for Pittsburghers to build on—cut through the city and suburbs everywhere. In the spring, wild woodland flowers take advantage of the last few days before the leaves come out and the shade closes in. These flowers all grew within a few yards of each other in the Squaw Run valley.
Trillium grandiflorum, Large-Flowered Trillium
Mertensia virginica, Virginia Bluebells
Claytonia virginica, Spring Beauty
Phlox divaricata, Blue Phlox
Trillium erectum, Wake-Robin (white form)
[In an earlier version of this article, this was misidentified as Trillium cernuum.]Tiarellia cordifolia, Foamflower
Viola pallens, Northern White Violet
Viola pennsylvanica, Smooth Yellow Violet
Spring at Phipps
The Spring Flower Show at Phipps Conservatory had a whimsically classical theme: Praxiteles by way of Salvador Dali.
Spring in West Park
The trees in the old arboretum are leafing out, the cherries and the violets are blooming, and the ducks in Lake Elizabeth are fat and happy.
A Stroll through Allegheny Cemetery
A short stroll in the snow through an enchanted landscape filled with fantastic temples, angels, and cold beauties with warm hearts.