Father Pitt’s Pittsburgh Encyclopedia: A collection of articles and reference information gathered in one place where old Pa Pitt will be able to find it when he goes looking for it.
Father Pitt’s Eccentric Photography: Thoughts on the art and craft of photography from someone who, if he is not an artist or a craftsman, at least takes a lot of pictures.
Pittsburgh Cemeteries: The art and architecture of death.
Flora Pittsburghensis: Wild flowers of Pittsburgh and western Pennsylvania.
The Mirrour of the World: Pictures from places outside Father Pitt’s usual domain.
Monochrome World: All the colors of grey.
Two-Color World: The world is an old postcard.
Imaginary Color: If the world were in color, it might look like this.
Imaginum Abstractarum Collectio: Just what it says in the title.
Father Pitt in Winston-Salem: Turned loose in the city for three days with four cameras.