Category: Mount Washington

  • Upper Station of the Monongahela Incline

  • Memorial Day

    Flags along Grandview Avenue
    Fujifilm FinePix HS10.

    Flags on Grandview Avenue, Mount Washington.

  • Houses on Bailey Avenue, Mount Washington

    421 Bailey Avenue

    Bailey Avenue, right on the crest of Mount Washington, has an eclectic mix of grand Victorian houses, somewhat more modest houses from later eras, double houses, duplexes, and small apartment buildings. Here is a representative sampling of some of the single-family houses.

    421 Bailey Avenue
    427 Bailey Avenue
    Cornice of 426
    321 Bailey Avenue
    321 Bailey Avenue
    343 Bailey Avenue
  • Saw Mill Run at Seldom Seen

    Saw Mill Run

    We saw the movie version yesterday, and now here are two still pictures of the vigorously moving Saw Mill Run at Seldom Seen.

    Saw Mill Run

    And here is a picture of the path leading toward the Arch and the railroad viaducts:

    Looking toward the railroad viaducts
  • The P. W. Hamilton Apartments on Bailey Avenue

    312–318 Bailey Avenue

    If you walk along Bailey Avenue on Mount Washington (a pleasant walk, by the way), you may notice some similar-looking apartment buildings scattered along the south side of the street. The double duplex above is one of them; we see it head on below.


    You might also notice a distinctive ornament at the peak of the roofline:


    Old Pa Pitt noticed it and made a not-too-outrageous guess that it was the initial of the owner. That turns out to be correct. These buildings were all owned by P. W. Hamilton, as we see on a 1923 plat map:

    P. W. Hamilton Apts. on a plat map

    Here are two of them a few doors apart—the one we saw above, and this one:

    292–298 Bailey Avenue

    These buildings have recently had a lot of spiffing up, and they look like very attractive places to live.

    Open doors and stairways

    With these two doors open, we can see how, as is usual with Pittsburgh duplexes, the doors to the upstairs units lead straight to a stairway.

    There are three of these double duplexes, all the same design. Then, as we come to the eastern end of the street, opposite Grandview Park, we find the same design on a larger scale:

    446–460 Bailey Avenue

    It’s a double double duplex.

    Wreath ornament

    The H ornament is not here; instead we get little lunettes, one of them blank and one with a wreath ornament. But the building was owned by P. W. Hamilton, and its outline on the plat map shows how it is made by smashing two of the double duplexes together.

    P. W. Hamilton apartments on a plat map
  • Moon Over Mount Washington

  • Outline of the Trimont

    The Trimont apartments on Mount Washington, outlined against winter clouds.

  • Grace Anglican Church, Mount Washington

    Grace Church tower

    Formerly Grace Episcopal Church, this church was built in 1852 and “rebuilt” in 1926, according to the Pittsburgh History and Landmarks plaque. Father Pitt cannot say how much of the old building is left, but it would appear to have been a frame structure, which suggests that the current church was completely new in 1926. Regardless, the design is timeless; as soon as it was put up, it must have looked as if it had been there forever. The architect, again according to the plaque, was J. Stewart, Jr.

    These pictures were taken back in October, when there were leaves.

    Grace Anglican Church
    From the Sycamore Street side
    Grace Episcopal Church
  • Duquesne Incline

    Seen from across the Ohio.

  • Boggs Avenue School, Mount Washington

    A modest Renaissance palace designed by Sydney F. Heckert and built in 1925. It is now apartments.

    When the building was converted from school to residence, someone thought this treatment of the front entrances was a good idea. Someone was mistaken.