The Roberto Clemente or Sixth Street Bridge is bathed in early-morning sunshine, as seen from the dimness of still-unilluminated Sixth Street downtown.

This is a lot of bridge for its location. It was originally meant to carry an expressway that would connect Oakland with the South Hills, merrily destroying huge tracts of city along the way. Fortunately this is the only part of it that was built. In the picture below you can see, in the lower right corner, the stub of an entrance ramp that was never completed.
From the shore of the Allegheny. The immensity of the U. S. Steel Tower is particularly obvious from this angle.
Built in 1890 to reach the stockyards and other industrial unpleasantness on Herr’s Island, this bridge now carries bicycles from the Three Rivers Heritage Trail. Herr’s Island itself, renamed “Washington’s Landing,” is now full of expensive townhouses at this end, with some offices and businesses in the middle of the island and a park at the northeast end.
Taken from the same vantage point as our previous pictures of the Smithfield Street Bridge, but a little later in the day.