Father Pitt

Why should the beautiful die?

Annunciation School, Perry South

Annunciation School

Benno Janssen and Edward J. Hergenroeder were the architects of this school, which seems to show the economy of line old Pa Pitt associates with Janssen. Hergenroeder would go on to design many Catholic schools, as well as the convent around the corner from this one (which we’ll be seeing soon).

The parish school closed years ago, but the building has found another use, so it is occupied and well maintained.

Annunciation School inscription
Entrance to the school

Among the decorations are several inscriptions, most of them not from Catholic sources.

Quotation from Addison

“Knowledge is that which, next to virtue, truly and essentially raises one man above another.” —Addison.

Arvada Way entrance

The side entrance on Arvada Way.

Quotation from Shakespeare

“The purest treasure mortal times afford is spotless reputation.” —Shakespeare.

Terra-cotta child

Terra-cotta figures of children enjoying their childhood decorate the side walls of the school.

Annunciation School
Canon PowerShot SX150 IS.

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