Father Pitt

Why should the beautiful die?

George Washington Memorial, Allegheny Commons

Face of George Washington

Edward Ludwig Albert Pausch was the sculptor of this monument, which Wikipedia tells us is his most ambitious work. It is meant to show Washington at the age of 23, when he was failing to keep the French out of Pittsburgh—although since Pausch modeled the face on the Houdon bust sculpted in 1785, our young colonel looks a bit old and weary for a 23-year-old.

George Washington memorial

As equestrian statues go, this one is not Father Pitt’s favorite. It is probably a very good one, but it strikes old Pa Pitt as stiffly posed. The pile of vegetative debris that holds the horse up by the stomach does not help; it makes George look like he’s posing on a carousel pony. Most equestrian statues stand on their own four legs—but then most are made of bronze. This one is in granite.

George Washington Memorial
George Washington on a horse
George Washington memorial
George Washington memorial: Virtue, Liberty, Patriotism
Erected by the Jr. O. U. A. M. of Western Pennsylvania

The monument was given by the Junior Order of United American Mechanics, a fraternal order for people who could prove they weren’t Catholic. The Jr. O. U. A. M. was a big deal a century or so ago, and the local group’s splendid building in Oakland still stands at 3400 Forbes Avenue.

George Washington Memorial
Kodak EasyShare Z981; Kodak EasyShare Z1285; Sony Alpha 3000.

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