Father Pitt

Why should the beautiful die?

Phipps Hall of Botany

The Hall of Botany is a work of Rutan & Russell in an unusual baroque style.1

Cameras: above, Kodak EasyShare Z1485 IS; below, Olympus E-20n.
  1. In an earlier version of this article, we had attributed the Hall of Botany to Alden & Harlow, following online references. However, a newspaper article from December 17, 1900, just before the work began, tells us, “The architects of the building are Messrs. Rutan & Russell.” “Germ Idea of Henry Phipps School of Botany Belongs to Miss Annie M. Deens, Teacher of Biology,” Pittsburgh Daily Post, December 17, 1900, p. 5, where a rendering and plan of the building is printed. ↩︎

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