The Teutonia Männerchor in Dutchtown is a strange and happy anomaly: most of the old German singing societies have long since vanished, but the Teutonia is flourishing. This amazing half-timbered building was designed by the relatively obscure Charles Ott, and it certainly does look like a little bit of Germany.
Camera: Olympus E-20n.

0 responses to “Teutonia Männerchor”
Are the wooden beams structural, or just bolted on to the outside of a standard brick building?
You ask an interesting question that Father Pitt did not think to settle while he was standing right next to the building. He will have to go back and look. If you magnify the third picture to its full 1920 x 2576 pixels, however, you can clearly see that there is mortar all along at least the thicker timbers, which suggests that the bricks are cut there, which suggests that the timbers are structural. The same appears to be true of the smaller timbers as well, but the angle of the photograph makes it a little less certain.
“This amazing half-timbered building”