Father Pitt

Why should the beautiful die?

Rapid Transit to Oakland

A good transit link between downtown and Oakland would change Pittsburgh from a city with very good, even enviable, rapid transit to a leader in North American transit. It would certainly stimulate development along the route, and that would make some very good money for clever investors who see the opportunity clearly.

Here’s your chance to be one of those clever investors. Are a few hundred million dollars just burning a hole in your pocket? Why not give us the last essential link in our already enviable rapid-transit system?

Click on the image for a PDF map.

The Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County has set up a Web site where interested parties can submit proposals. If you always fancied yourself a streetcar baron or a monorail mogul, here’s the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.

You can read more about the project in the Post-Gazette.

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0 responses to “Rapid Transit to Oakland”

  1. I think this is an EXCELLENT idea — very long overdue.

    From 2000 to 2003, I lived in the ‘burbs and took the bus to my job Downtown. On some evenings, I took the bus to events in Oakland (which, at that time at least, slowly wound its way through the Hill District en route). A rail line would have made that much easier.

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