Father Pitt

Why should the beautiful die?

Every House in Schenley Farms

Dr. Acheson Stewart house, 1913
Dr. Acheson Stewart house (1913, architect Louis Stevens)

Some time ago old Pa Pitt announced his ambition to photograph every house in Schenley Farms. The project is nearly complete; we have the exterior of just about every house in the Historic District. Instead of dumping hundreds of pictures in these pages, Father Pitt will simply refer you to the category Houses in the Schenley Farms National Historic District at Wikimedia Commons, where he has donated all his pictures and organized them by street. That way we can limit ourselves to occasional highlights here.

Ira E. Bixler house, 1919
Ira E. Bixler house (1919, architects Alden & Harlow)

E. W. Heyl house, 1907
E. W. Heyl house (1907, architect Edward Stotz)

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